"A new common space has to be renegotiated" (Pankaj Mishra, 2015)
Making Common Space
A Common Space retreat comes to represent to its participants a haven of peace and understanding, a place where they can become, in a quite literal way, part of the change they wish to see in the world.
Become part of the House of One Movement!
We are looking for volunteers to facilitate Common Space interfaith
groups which foster shared values and understanding across faith traditions: we need you! Please contact info@common-space.net for more information.
Our House of One in San Antonio models common space for the sharing of contemplative practice, its prototype and inspiration being the main House of One under construction in Berlin (https://house-of-one.org/en).
Sometimes we learn about each others' meditative practices. Often, we just meet in peace and calm of silent meditation. Think about how you might host a House of One in your city and let us know how we can help!
"My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together"
--Desmond Tutu